Computer Programming Language

Contact Me

David Simpson


 Function   Description 
 -   No action. 
 Program terminator.   Exit. 
 Number.   Push a number onto the stack. 
 Add.   Pop two operands from the stack and push their sum. 
 Subtract.   Pop two operands from the stack and push their difference. 
 Multiply.   Pop two operands from the stack and push their product. 
 Divide.   Pop two operands from the stack and push their quotient. 
 Remainder.   Pop two operands from the stack and push the remainder of the first divided by the second. 
 Input number.   Read a number from the keyboard and push it onto the stack. 
 Input character.   Read a character from the keyboard and push its ASCII code onto the stack. 
 Output number.   Pop a number from the stack and display it on the terminal. 
 Output character.   Pop an ASCII code from the stack and display the corresponding character on the terminal. 
 Character literal.   Push the ASCII code corresponding the the character onto the stack. 
 Output string.   Display each character between the " and the next " on the terminal. Translate the character ! to <new-line>. 
 Variable.   Convert the letter to an integer in the range 0..25 (A=a=0, B=b=1,...,Z=z=25). 
 Assignment.   Pop two operands from the stack and store the value of the second at the address specified by the first. 
 Dereference.   Pop an address from the stack and push the value stored at that address onto the stack. 
 Comparison.   Pop two operands from the stack. If the first is less than the second, push 1, else push 0 onto the stack. 
 Comparison.   Pop two operands from the stack. If they are equal, push 1, else push 0 onto the stack. 
 Comparison.   Pop two operands from the stack. If the first is greater than the second, push 1, else push 0 onto the stack. 
 Conditional.   Pop a value from the stack. If it is zero or negative, skip over the character until a matching ] is found. 
 -   No action. 
 Start loop.   No action. 
 Go back to top of loop.   Go back to top of loop. 
 Exit loop.   Exit loop. 
 Macro call.   Macro call. 
 Exit from macro.   Exit from macro. 
 Replace formal parameter by actual.   Replace formal parameter by actual. 
 End of actual parameter.   End of actual parameter. 
 End of actual parameter.   End of actual parameter. 
 Switch on tracing.   Switch on tracing. 
 Switch off tracing.   Switch off tracing. 
 Comment.   Start of comment. 

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Copyright © 2006 David G. Simpson

Webmaster: David G. Simpson
Page last updated: February 8, 2007.